I've been wanting to start a blog for what seems like forever but have been satisfied previously with just reading other folks blogs instead. Time to stretch and grow, like my garden and sprinkle some seeds here for perhaps someone else to read and enjoy as I do other blogs. Such a nice way to kind of keep in touch with family and friends when we get so busy in our own worlds. Most of the time schedules conflict in such ways that a quick email or phone call is at best what we're able to accomplish. Thus, I will try to frequent here and hope others do as well.
On Sunday May 31st I held a baby shower for my daughter in law Gerri. Having had 3 sons she seems like more of a daughter to me so it was really fun to hold a shower for her and her hubby, my oldest - Dustin. They have found out the baby will be a boy and he is due mid August. Our first grandchild !! How enormously excited I am to become, "Nanny." My own children called my Mother, "Nana" and we all remember her as that so I thought I would go by Nanny instead. My Mom passed away in February of 2002 and will miss this new addition but I know she'll be smiling down upon us all. My sons referred to their Dad as, "Poppy." He has decided that he would like the grandkids to call him that too. So here we'll be, awaiting this little fellas arrival, his Nanny & Poppy.
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