My daughter in law has been taking a photo and sometimes many photos every day since our grandson was born. This was yesterdays photo at 48 days old. He's so adorable and sweet. It is so amazing how much they change. I watched him last Saturday and it's such a joy to be Nanny to this little fella. I don't know how she catches him smiling, I've tried but always miss. He's such a good baby too, I truly LOVE being grandma. I told her she could have a little girl but got a frown and a look (chuckle) so I'll enjoy Kyle and be very thankful to have him to love. His Poppy Wally, my hubby said he was looking at a magazine that sells the old fashioned pedal cars that they had when we were kids. He was so excited talking about the fire engine with real wood ladders on the side etc. I thought hold on there tiger he hasn't learned to crawl yet. Kyle's Mommy and I looked at toys at Target one day a couple of weeks back and I am amazed at the really great educational toys that are available now. Fisher Price is even making some of the same toys my kids played with 20 years ago like the phone with the rotary dial. Hopefully they don't start making those push around marble popping gadgets. That had to be the worlds most annoying toy. My brother bought one at Christmas one year for one of our kids and it discreetly disappeared never to be seen again. I made sure I repaid that favor when he had a son. With the weather change I'm thinking already of putting the garden to bed and getting that chore over and done with. Most of my flowers have seen their days in the sun and since I didn't plant as much this year it will be easier to get things done and put away ~ thank heavens. See, I am getting a little smarter as I age, I just need to convince my children of that very thing.
1 comment:
Your grandson is ADORABLE Gramma Dawn!! Aren't grandchildren just simply the best?? Enjoy every single minute, because girl, they grow fast!! HUGS!!!
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